Teacher-Parent/Guardian Communications Policy

Limerick School of Music highly values the importance of the relationship between teacher and parents/guardians in guiding the learning of our students. We are also mindful of the integrity of teachers’ non-working hours. In order to strike a balance between these two, we have drafted this policy so that all stakeholders are clear on the best means to keep the parent/guardian-teacher dialogue open.

  1. The best time to meet the student's teacher is at the designated Parent/Teacher meeting times. At Limerick School of Music these are:

    1. (i)   the opening of the school year P/T meeting (or attending the first lesson if unavailable for P/T meeting) and

    2. (ii)  during Parents’ Week which normally takes place during the third week of January (parents are invited to attend the student's lesson to talk to the teacher).

  2. The Student Journal is a valuable resource for ongoing dialogue between teacher, student and parent throughout the year. Please check the journal weekly.

  3. If parents/guardians need to contact the teacher other than through the journal, the first means of doing so should be an email to the teacher’s work email address.

  4. If parents/guardians wish to talk to the teacher on the phone you can email them to request a call back at an agreed time.

  5. Teachers are not available to talk to parents/guardians during other students' lessons.

  6. Teachers are not expected to respond to text messages or calls from parents/guardians on their personal phone numbers.

  7. If you wish to report an absence please email [email protected] and do not rely on texting one of the student’s teachers. Emailing the office is the only certain way to be sure that all relevant teachers will receive the message.

  8. This policy is also applicable to adult learners.